
Chinese Version Business School CUFE Site Map


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Student Services



Our university attaches great importance to the careerdevelopment work of our MBA students. The MBA Career Development Department wasestablished in 2005, teachers were chosen to be accountable for this work. Thecore work is to provide a positive and effective service to connect studentswith enterprises. In other words, on the one hand we provide services forstudents in career planning and career guidance, on the other hand we activelyseek contact and cooperation with the business communities, to recommendtalents to the relative enterprises.


Operations of Career Development Centre:


The main daily works are providing career planning services,career guiding services, career development courses, internship and employmentinformation release, student promotion, business cooperation broadening andschool-enterprise relationship maintenance. But the main works with CUFEcharacteristic are CO-OP internship, the MBA internship base, individual careercounseling, career assessment, job hunting research, MBA hundreds enterprisesvisiting, and so on. In addition, every year we edit and send The CareerDevelopment Annual Report and Undergraduates Situation and The Full-Time MBACVs Brochure to the relative enterprises.











Address:MBA Education Center,Central University of Finance and Economics,39 Xueyuan South Road,Haidian District,Beijing(100081)
Copyright 2015@ MBA Education Center, Central University of Finance and Economics
